These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Children do not belong to the parents, but to God and while here on earth, they have the responsibility to raise them in manners that honor God. In Mark, it is stated that Jesus told his disciples to "Let the children come unto me." Jesus valued children and He understood their potential to further the kingdom.
When you do things God's way, you receive the benefits of that relationship. As you develop your relationship with Christ, you can be free from worry and anxiety, addictions, and many other problems that seem to consume young people.
When you do things God's way, you receive the benefits of living in obedience. You should be motivated to teach your children right not only because you love them and want to spare them unnecessary hardship, but also because of your desire to please God. It doesn’t matter how challenging it is, God will guide you and lead you as you care for them. Give children spiritual values and not only material thing that have no lasting power. Teach children to be responsible at an early age. Teach them on the importance of living a Christ centered life. Teach them the fear of the Lord. It doesn’t matter how they feel about it. Seek God’s approval instead of children’s. Childhood is not a time of indulgence and a time to satisfy selfish desires, but a time to train and inspire your precious ones and to develop them into mature responsible adults who value ethics, peace, and God. Choose to please God above all else. Your love to your children is secondary to your love for God. Establish God authority over your home. Your fear and love for God must be a daily reality in your homes. Be the right type of influence and be blessed.
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1
Praise the Lord!
Children do not belong to the parents, but to God and while here on earth, they have the responsibility to raise them in manners that honor God. In Mark, it is stated that Jesus told his disciples to "Let the children come unto me." Jesus valued children and He understood their potential to further the kingdom.
When you do things God's way, you receive the benefits of that relationship. As you develop your relationship with Christ, you can be free from worry and anxiety, addictions, and many other problems that seem to consume young people.
When you do things God's way, you receive the benefits of living in obedience. You should be motivated to teach your children right not only because you love them and want to spare them unnecessary hardship, but also because of your desire to please God. It doesn’t matter how challenging it is, God will guide you and lead you as you care for them. Give children spiritual values and not only material thing that have no lasting power. Teach children to be responsible at an early age. Teach them on the importance of living a Christ centered life. Teach them the fear of the Lord. It doesn’t matter how they feel about it. Seek God’s approval instead of children’s. Childhood is not a time of indulgence and a time to satisfy selfish desires, but a time to train and inspire your precious ones and to develop them into mature responsible adults who value ethics, peace, and God. Choose to please God above all else. Your love to your children is secondary to your love for God. Establish God authority over your home. Your fear and love for God must be a daily reality in your homes. Be the right type of influence and be blessed.
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1
Praise the Lord!