Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are you Smart?

How wise are you really?

The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25


You probably know people who are intelligent and know it. They tend to always flaunt it either by correcting every word you say or by undermining any decision you make. There are also those who are smart but are not fully aware of it. They are shy and made decisions with great difficulties. But how smart are you? Do you Do you seek parents’ counsel? Do you call an older sibling or do you instantly know which decision to make when facing different choices? I have news for you this morning dear friend. No matter who you are, no matter the level of education you have received and no matter how smart you know/think you are, when it comes to your life you cannot not rely on your understanding. You must severe all ties with your wise/clever/intelligent self when you are born again. You must relinquish will power to Christ. You must humble yourself and yield to the power of God.

Christians don’t belong to themselves. If you are a believer, on the day you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, your life as you know it is forever gone and is replaced by a brand new one. Listen, believers fail to remember at times that they were bought for a high price. The blood of Christ is in fact the highest price anyone could ever paid. Jesus did not die just to leave you alone. He actually cares for you. He wants to be part of your life (I mean every area of your life is under his supervision). He wants to be your counselor, your friend, and your number one “go to person”. He wants to be your everything. You can rely on your own wisdom and pay the consequences or you can come to Him. You are missing out when you don’t go to Christ. You are carrying loads that you could have easily left at his feet. The word of God in Matthew 11:28 says, Come to me you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. You can actually rest in God’s presence. You do not have to carry your load.

Jesus says I am the truth, the way and the light (John 14:6). Let Him lead you friend. Let him lead you to that job. Let him lead you to that spouse, let him pick the house you should purchase. Ask him for help in finding those keys you keep misplacing. Invite him to accompany you during your mundane trips to the grocery store. Invite him in. Let him know that he is welcome in your life. Allow him to take his rightful place in your life.

Let us pray: Father God, thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for sending your son to die for my sin. Thank you for showing me the truth. Help me submit to you. I want to surrender my will to your unfailing control. Take possession of me (mind, soul and body). Thank you for guidance. Thank you for your word. May your wisdom be established in me. May your divine perfection continue to thrill my soul. May the power of your Spirit strengthen me and cover me with the power that I need to overcome myself, my will, the seductions of this world and the enemy. Give me a deep realization of your presence so that I can share your goodness with others. I adore you. I love you for only you are worthy of my love. Only you are holy and only you are God. Amen!

Praise the Lord!

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