Friday, January 23, 2015

Walking in the Valley............

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16


When we apply God's word to situations and circumstances in our lives, God will meet the need! No matter how big the need or high the mountain, we serve a God that is a Need Meeting God! We sometimes forget or don't realize that the God we serve is a big God, He holds the world in his hands and there is no problem too complex for our God to solve. What seems impossible for man is possible for God. If we stop complaining and feeling sorry for ourselves, abut start confessing the Word of God, and Thanking God we will see God move in our lives like never before. God's word is sharper than any two edged sword; It accomplishes that which it is sent to do. Friend, confess the word about the need, Thank God for his favor, and wait with expectancy! God is waiting for the opportunity to meet your needs if you would only call on his name.

Your heart may have been broken, you may have been rejected by someone who promised you forever, your bills may be due and no money in the bank, no foreseeable job, One thing after another, it seems like you get over one problem just to face another; or you may be cornered by all kind of challenges, friend, you are in your valley. We often want to hurry or run thru our valley, or wish we could sleep through it because it's an uncomfortable place, but God allows us to walk through the valley to teach us, to make us, and to show us his awesome power in our lives! How would you know God was a deliver, if he's never delivered you! How would you know he solves problems if you never have any? How would you know he heals if you never been sick? How would you know that he provides if you never have a pressing need? How would you appreciate His love if you never been abandoned without any clear explanation? And how would you know He picks up the pieces if you never been broken?

God is a God of timing. God works according to his time table not ours. We sometimes don't want to give God the time to work things out. We want it right now! In the storm (waiting time), it seems too difficult to hold on but God will come through in due time. Don’t go ahead of God. Why don’t you just hold on a little longer? Hold on and trust God and know that he is a God will that work it out just in due time.

Praise the Lord!

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