Saturday, January 30, 2016

Trust & Obey

For our present trouble, which is only for a short time, is working out for us a much greater weight of glory; (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Matthew 9:28-29 tells the story about how Jesus asked these blind men, "'Do you believe that I am able to do this?'" What did they say? "'Yes, Lord.' Then he touched their eyes and said, 'According to your faith will it be done to you,' and their sight was restored.'" The Bible is full of God's promises, but unlike the promises that we make, God's promises are true and he fulfills every one. Abraham believed God's promise that he would be the father of many nations. He did not waver through unbelief but was made strong as he believed in the promise of God, because he knew the one who promised it was able to perform it. You have to rest assured that God is still able to perform miracles. He is able to hear and answer your prayers. God gives us grace every time we pray. God is able to answer your prayer, and if you are born of God, He will most certainly answer it. Contrary to popular belief, God does not only answer prayers about our great needs. He gets involved in our minor troubles as well. He is a loving and concerned father. He cares about everything about us. You can trust Him and go to Him with all your complications.

Jesus Himself lived like that, in daily unhindered communion with the Father, He went to Him all the time so that He could say to His Father and our Father, "I knew that you hear me always" (John 11:42). And all the teaching of Jesus about prayer shows that we too can have communion with God. Friend, the normal Christian life is a life of regular, daily answer to prayer. It is perfectly normal for an obedient child to ask God for things in prayers and get it, get all he wants. "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" (Matt. 7:11). Friend, trust God, He will not fail you. Dare to be like Daniel. Read your Bible for the better you know God, the easier you'll find it to trust and obey Him. And the more you'll sense how deeply God cherishes you, and how desperately He wants to answer your prayers. So learn more about God each day. Grow closer to the glorious God who treasures you beyond your wildest dreams. You can trust Him. Focus on Him and be blessed.

Praise the Lord!

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