Have you ever wondered why God created mankind? Many people believe that it is to make His creation perfect, some believe that he created mankind in order to have people to dominate and a few more believe He created humanity to have people who fear Him.
I believe that we are special because we were created to the image of God and the true reason that He created us is to LOVE. He wants us to love Him and to be loved by Him for God is love and He has all this love to share. He creates us to receive His love and to generate love and not to fear because there is no fear in love (1 John 4:18). God could have given His love to any heavenly beings of His choice but He saves all of his love to us "mankind" because we were created to His image; that is how special we are! He created us so He can have fellowship with us as partners (1 John 1:3).
What does it really mean to be created to God's image? It simply means that He created us with the ability to be just like Him. God is the creator, the author and finisher and all things, and like Him we have the ability to accomplish great things, because He loves us so much He made His power available to us.
Love should be coming out of our beings. We should be overpowered by love. God's been trying to keep a LOVING relationship with us since the creation, but again and again we reject His love. He made everything on earth for our enjoyment because He loves us so dearly. It is that deep love that influenced Him to send His son Jesus Christ to die the humiliating death on Calvary in order to restore His love relationship with us but we still resist. We just don't understand how special we really are. Most of us don't even believe that we deserve His love. We go through life looking for love in all the wrong places and find trouble and rejection repeatedly instead.
God wants to give you His love today, can you dare receive it? He is offering you His perfect peace and joy, will you dare accept it? Dare to believe that you are special today. You were created with love and more importantly you were created by love for God is love (1 John 4:8). Don’t give your love to the wrong people; turn your attention to God.
Praise the Lord!