Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:25-26
There are a few passages in the Bible where God tell us to “Fear Not”. I found 31 verses, there could be even more, and that makes me wonder why the word of God discusses fear? God knew that our journey here on earth wouldn't be easy and we’d have to face some challenging times and we may be tempted to fear, as the loving father that He is, He left us with certain guidelines to get through our temptations. Fear can paralyzed you and keep you fro praying and keep you from enjoying the life that God gave you. Well, fear is a powerful force that can keep your focus off of God, and that is the most dangerous aspect of fear. We tend to focus on our circumstances more than God, but Jesus died on the cross to take us from our circumstances. So many Christians today worry about things they have no business worrying about. The word God urges us to bring all our burdens to God. Not some of them, not the ones we can’t fix ourselves but all of them.
Fear should not be in the heart of the believer because it is rooted in unbelief. Faith and fear cannot co-habit. You either have faith or you don’t. If you are terrorized by the fear of what might suddenly happen to you, around you or in the life of your love ones than you are in disobedience because the word of God tells us not to worry because God is able to supply all of our needs. He has done it before and He will do it again. There are a lot going on today, from wars to national disasters, to numerous scary/devastating new diseases that keep coming out of no where. There are numerous natural disasters in every part of the globe, but we remain in faith because we believe in God’s ability to come through for us. We know whose children we are.
My friend, don't worry. Whatever it is you are fighting right now is temporary. God is going to work it out. As a matter of fact, Christ already won the battle for you more than 2000 years ago. Whatever it is, as hard and hopeless it may seem in the natural, DON’T WORRY. It is already taken care of in the spiritual. God is the answer. He wants to help and He is able. Call on His name and invite in, tell Him about your trouble, He cares and loves you. Remain in faith and He will see you through it. There is no need to fear when you put your faith in God.
Be courageous and be fortified in Jesus name.
Praise the Lord!