enemy; nothing will harm you.Luke 10:19
"I am the Alpha and the Omega" says the Lord God who is and who Was and Who Is to come, the Almighty". Revelation 1:8
Friend, there is nothing impossible to God. I cannot stress this enough. You can go to Him with all of your troubles and not just some of them. He really cares about you. When you have a pressing need, you must be diligent by bringing it to the Lord in prayers. Being diligent does not mean to be consumed by your situation. Remember God is in control. He is waiting to deliver you. His plan for your life is a good one. Trust Him for complete victory, and it doesn't matter if somebody you know went through the same situation and yet he/she didn't have victory. Don't measure God's ability by what is going on in somebody else's life.
Diligence means that you have to pray and read the word dealing with the issue you are going through. Let's say you need healing; then you must read and meditate on healing as often as you can. Faith comes by hearing (understanding) the word of God. You must read the word, listen to tapes and CD's. You must confess the outcome expected. You do the same thing when dealing with financial issues and so on.
Is the devil giving you trouble at every turn today? Is he trying to shake you down? If so, you have the power to turn the table on him. Start making him miserable for a change. You have the power to do it. You have the power inside of you to destroy his works, to heal, to deliver, to set the captives free, to reclaim you peace of mind, your emotional wholeness. An anointed man of God told my mother years ago that she has so much power in her that every time she wakes up in the morning the devil should worry and fear. The word of God says the devil should flee from us and not the other way around. (James 4:7) Jesus died to destroy the work of the devil (1 John 3:8). You have power through the blood of Christ.

I command you to go give the devil some trouble today by acting the power you know you have (in Jesus) and by walking in faith and perfect peace. You are not alone. You have power in Jesus. You are powerful!
Praise the Lord!