Be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his power. Ephesians 6:10
We must learn to trust God completely, because He knows and understands all that will happen to us. He has promised to be our refuge and we are not to be afraid, no matter the circumstances or those involved. As we grow in faith and trust in Him we are often challenged to the very depths of our spirit, and are called to stand firm in that faith and trust. Be strengthened by the Lord. The above scripture tells us to "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Being strengthened by the Lord is much simpler than being strong. We all know how to be strengthened by the Lord; we are strengthened through the Means of Grace through faith. When we receive the Lord Jesus Christ, we are strengthened and putting on the whole armor of God. Putting on the armor of God is the same as being clothed with Christ. It is not something that we do after being saved; it is part of being saved. Not only are we clothed with Christ's purity, but we are surrounded and protected by his strength as well. When we become adopted sons of God we are clothed with the Christ's righteousness and protected by Christ's Strength.
Christ has won the victory through His death and resurrection. He has overcome the world. When we trust in the Lord and in His mighty power, we believe in this work of redemption. We are powerful in that we are in Christ by faith. As we look to Him, we cannot fall for He is "able to keep us from falling. Being strong in the Lord means to allow God to be the power in your life. It is not to "get" God's power and use it for yourself. We are not to be the one using God's power. It is God who is the power and only He can use it wisely, justly and victoriously.
We are faced with a series of battles in this life. To be victorious, one must be strong. Victory is for the strong. Today is not a day for weakness. Our God lives! Go deep inside yourself to find your greatest strength (The Holy Spirit inside you). But, what does that mean to be strong in the Lord? Many times we fall because we really haven't learned that to be strong means to be aware of how weak we are. We are only strong through Christ. We cannot face our battles alone for that the battles that are fought are battles that we in ourselves cannot fight, but rather, by clinging to the Word of God, and resting in Him, we know that the battle is already won on Calvary some 2000 years ago. His Word has so many promises, and we know God will never break a promise. He is the Promise Keeper.
Praise the Lord!