Friday, January 3, 2020

Your Move!

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"Be alert, your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1 Peter 5:8

We have been learning about the things that made the Devil feel at home in our lives. The list is quite long, we will not continue to cover examples. You understand by now that anything that does not glorify God in your life attracts the Devil.

You can pray, you can fast, you can ask people to lay hands on you and cast the Devil out of your life, but I can assure you that nothing will change until you repent and make the quality decision to stop Satan's influence over your life. You have to be willing. Now it does not matter what area of your life need the change, it can be victory over sins, it can be restoration of your mind and soul, or physical health, it can be emotional wholeness, nothing will change until you make the cautious decision to get "your" victory. Remember, Jesus had asked the man at the pool of Bethesda, wilt thou be whole? (John 5:6). He did not ask him would you like to be well? The man had to be willing in order to receive healing.

God sent Jesus to the cross to carry our burdens, to give us victory over sins and to make us whole. He bore our sicknesses, He carried our diseases, and He already won every battle "you are facing by His death on Calvary, but it takes decision from your part to receive the victory you are searching for. It requires determination on your part before you can actually achieve victory. Decide to be free today.

Accept you freedom by faith, in the Holy name of Jesus.

Praise the Lord!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

All Things Are Possible!

Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes. Mark 9:23

A few years ago, the local college where I used to teach allowed the students to watch the inaugural of president Obama in the classroom, and the common theme in my class discussions was “all things are possible if you believe”. All of a sudden, my students believe that they can reach mountains and live a life without limitations.  It was an attitude that brought me much joy; but my question to them was, all things are possible if you what? It is great to make such powerful statement but something is definitely missing from it. Don't you think? It is not a complete sentence. The majority of the adults students stated that the missing part of the statement is "if you believe in yourself." Really if you believe in yourself? Can anyone live a minute longer, if he believes in himself? I think not. You can believe in yourself by acknowledging the grace of God given to you through the savior Jesus Christ. It is only through Jesus that all things are made possible. Jesus alone can provide that boost that cross us from a life of limitation to a limitless possibilities.

Friend, do you believe that Jesus is in action in your life right this moment, by His Spirit, lift burdens, breathe life into your forgotten dreams, those that were impossible to come to completion without him? Do you believe in His ability to do exceedingly abundantly far above what you can ask or think even far beyond your wildest dreams? Do you believe He remains the same today, yesterday and forever? Do you believe He has all power in heaven and on earth to do according to His will? Why do you still worry about health? You say you believe but do you really? God can heal you inside and out. He is able. Do you believe? Your dead dreams will come to life. You can conceive. You can be debts free. Decide this year that Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Heart diseases are not in charge. God should be the driving force in your life. Only God is worthy of first place in your life and only Him makes all things possible ....... to those who believe. He listens when we pray according to His will. Praise the lord! And friend, this is exactly why you and I need to know His will so that we can pray according to His will. It is only when you believe in God’s power and abilities your confidence to move mountains will be boosted. When you know His will, you pray His Word and as you pray His will, and it is your faith in Him that causes us to surmount all barriers.

Friend, all things are possible when you Christ and Christ alone. The doors of impossibilities can only be taken down upon His command. Jesus is Lord!

Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!

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I don't know what this new year will bring, but I pray that God will be the center of your life.
 I feel this urgency for people to surrender to God completely and to serve Him intentionally.

 Happy New Year! May God continue to reveal Himself in your life!
 May you become an instrument of God's love!
 May you radiate goodness, kindness, gentleness, and peace wherever you go!
 May everything you touch prosper!
My you make every day count!
May you strengthen you prayer life!
 May you embrace your DNA as a child of the most High God!
 May you own up to your responsibility as an ambassador of Christ in this world!
 May you recognize that  your life is by design!
 May you remember that you are covered by the blood of Christ!
May you love more intensely!
May you remember to praise and honor God in all circumstances!

Praise the Lord!