When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.” Isaiah 43:2
How should we deal with grief? The world seems to be a very dangerous place. Natural disasters alone are enough to keep people running scared. There are more kidnapping than ever before and numerous gun-related shouting. Child abuse does even shock us anymore, it is part of our current event, but how do we deal with all of it? Do we run to the pharmacy for Valium like the world does? Should we sleep through life or should we face our grief head on? A friend told me the other day that he was thinking of moving somewhere safer than here. A place where there will be no hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquake, tsunami, ect. God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Beginning and End. He is everywhere at the same time. We cannot escape His presence. He is able to protect us wherever we are. We don’t have to run scared and stay up all night. He who watches over us does not sleep. This is no time to be half-consecrated and some what dedicated. This is the time to go all the way with God, to give Him your whole life. This is the time to start relying on His might totally.
One of the lessons I recently learned is that we have to put the Word of God to good use. It’s nice to read it and to know the truth but you won’t really get excited about the Word of God until you realize that it’s more than just a collection of inspired stories and that it’s actually guideline provided by our heavenly father to carry us from victory to victory when we apply it to our life. The same power that raises Jesus from the dead is available to us. We are children of God. He is in us and us in Him. When dealing with grief we must call on God’s power. Naturally, our flesh cannot take much grief, but we do have the. God has everything in abundance and He wants to give us everything abundantly. It’s all at our disposal. He loves us too much to force anything on us, but when we ask, we do receive. Praise the Lord!

The Word God in the above scripture didn't say we would not pass through the waters, but it did promise to be with us when we do. Glory! When you go through the fire, you will not be scorched, so why are you afraid? You already know the outcome. When all is said and done, you are going to be alright. So how do you deal with grief? You do it with courage and faith, holding to God’s promises and by continuing to praise Him through it all. You are not another ordinary, lonely person. You are a special, extraordinary, legitimate son/daughter of the Living God. Stop trying to believe in God. Take it up to the next level by actually putting your faith in Him. It’s time to stop being a spectator, watching God work wonders in other people lives. It’s time to be part of it all and claim your inheritance. Once you do that, changes will start to take place in your life. I am so excited this morning, Are you excited? You and I have nothing to fear. We are never alone. In the middle of a month full of bad news God gives us a reason to smile, to hope and to move forward. Love, serve and praise God with your whole heart. Walk closely with Him in the good times and through your grief. Remember, God will not take your cares away from you. You have to give them to Him. As hard as it is, you are the one responsible to keep your thoughts under control, but you can do it, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” 1 John 4:4
Praise the Lord