The earth is the Lord and everything in it, the world and all who live in it; for he -founded it upon the seas and established it upon waters." Psalm 24:1
We like to claim that Jesus is in charge of our lives but when adversity comes we want to manipulate the events to our advantage. We studied last year the name "Adonai" which means owner, master, lord. The Bible says that "You're not your own; you were brought at a price" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We all know by now that the price was the blood of Christ. We need to submit to God authority because whether we live or die, we belong to Him, the Creator of all things. (Romans 14:8).
God wants to prosper all areas of your life. He wants us to be blessed. We have to be faithful and obedient to Him. We have to surround ourselves completely to Him. We have to faithfully serve our Lord. We have to learn to let Him lead even when adversity comes, “for when we are weak He is strong”. Proverb 31:17 “He (Jesus) said, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Romans 8:28
Is there any area of live that Jesus does not have control over? An area you'd rather keep to yourself? Maybe it's your marriage you'd like to keep control of by not being a submissive wife. Maybe it's it is a certain sin that becomes a stronghold and you become comfortable with it. Ask God to take control of it today and get free. Ask Him to help you understand the power of his Lordship and he will. Do you know what you are doing when you become a Christian? You are forsaking your own ways, and allowing God to take COMPLETE/TOTAL control of your life with no exceptions whatsoever
Remember that Jesus id Lord. He knows your limits and he provides the necessary strength you need to accomplish the task of your daily lives. Submit to Him. Give in. Relinquish the power and control of your existence and release yourself to God’s capable hand and have the complete Adonai experience. How do you allow God to control your life? First you must trust that Jesus died for your sins, ask Jesus into your life, and then you repent of all the sins you can remember doing, and then you allow God to rule and reign over your life, and the Holy Spirit will guide you; it takes time, but just keep speaking out that you are not your own and you belong to Jesus!
And Father how grateful I am for your Son Jesus Christ! Help me trust you the way He does. Help me relinquish control of my life, so that you can mold and make me just the way you intended for me to be when you created me. Help me to not resist Your Hand upon my life and allow me to experience your joy, and peace finally. Amen!