"When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation". Psalm 91:15-16
You have no need to worry. The word of God gives you great assurance that regardless of your life circumstances you are protected. God is with you. He hears every prayer and he sees every tear. He is willing to change your situation today, if you would just trust Him.
Psalm 91 reminds you that God will protect you to plague. It does not matter what is going on around you, God will cover you and you have many references from the Bible of how protected those who love and trust Him.
. He protected Noah through the flood.
. He protected Daniel from the lion's pit
. He protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fire
. He protected Joseph from his brothers.
There are countless examples of the power of Jehovah Nissi. The only requirement is to have a willing/receiving heart. Call on His name and He will come.
There is no need to hide my friend. You can face your trouble head on. You have divine protection. God loves you. His love is profound, unconditional, and eternal. The measure of His love is shown through what He gave: His son and our Savior Jesus Christ. His desire for you is to be blessed with long and prosperous life, will you receive it?
Learn to fight negative thoughts by speaking the Word appropriate to your need. In your darkest hour, when there's no where to go, no one to call, look inside you and you will know that you are not alone. God promised to always be with you. Your circumstances are temporary; they don't own you because you belong to God. They will not last. They cannot last.
. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, heart Diseases, Liver Disease, MS and/or any disease trying to invade your bodies can't lasts, plead the blood of Christ over your body and your loved ones.
. When your marriage is starting to crumble, plead the blood of Christ over the situation as well.
Claim dominion over all circumstances in the name and blood of Jesus. When call on the Lord your situation has to change because you hat the assurance of God's protection.
My dear friend, there is no need to fear. You have the assurance of God's protection. You are covered by the blood of Christ. You are loved. Be ready to have a blessed day and know that God is changing your situation right now.
Praise the Lord!