For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20
Nothing give God more pleasure than to take care of His children. Jesus did not hesitate when he was told about the Centurion's servant, His instant reply was "I will come and heal him". There was no debate, no hesitance on his part. He was able, willing. Jesus hasn't changed. He is the same yesterday and forever (Malachi 3:6).
There is good news for you today. Whatever you're facing: emotional, physical or spiritual trial, Jesus wants to heal you. He is able and willing. His answer for your problem is" I will come and heal you, "I will come and bless you". The same word of healing that came out of His mouth so many years back, are still being spoken on your circumstances today. You must call Him. You must tell Him about your trouble.
Spend times meditating on God's promises and remember that His desire is for you to be well and nothing is impossible to God and He loves you. Your well-being is a concern to God. The Holy Spirit is with you right now, helping you through whatever it is you may be going through right now, align your thought-life with His ability to heal you right now and get your healing in Jesus name.
You must tell Jesus about your trouble. When you call He will come. He will never be too busy or too tired to come to your rescue. God is a working God. He never stop. When you go to sleep He is still working. Keep on praying and "Expect" your miracle.
Don't underestimate your prayers. There is power in the prayer of faith (James 5:14-15), Power to destroy any mountain, restore broken lives and rise up those who have fallen. Have a praying man/woman of God agree with you in prayer. Have a parent intercedes on your behalf. Go after your miracle with all that you got and "EXPECT" to receive it. All his promises are Yes and amen.
Praise the Lord!