Is any thing too hard for the LORD? Genesis 18:14
When the people we love need help, we go to great length to provide them with our resources and our time. I know a person who traveled 3000 miles to be with a person for just a couple of hours. There is nothing we wouldn't do for our love ones, but we have certain limitations due to our physical ability or maybe our resources, but our heavenly father have no limits, praise God. He created heaven and earth. He can move mountains, He created the mountains. he created everything for us. he created us and He knew each one of us by name before we were born; surely nothing is impossible to Him. Surely He will come to our rescue in our time of needs. Amen.
God cares about all of our struggles, not just the physical and financial. He also wants to give us victory over our strongholds. If you keep struggling with the same sins or having trouble bringing a certain thoughts or sins into captivity, then bring it to the Lord in prayers. You haven’t used all of your resources until you ask and invite God into the fight. The battle of the flesh can be a very powerful one, but praise God; we don’t have to go at it alone. Jesus died to give us victory over all sins.
Some people are very selective to what they bring to God in prayers. They feel shame to present certain situations to Him, but let me assure you, He already knew. That thing you did in your secret place that you cannot even admit to yourself, He knows it and He saw it as you were doing it. He still loves you. He grieved with you. He wants to deliver you. Don’t let the devil stop you from coming back to your loving father’s arm. Repent and start anew. It is impossible for God to give up on you, so don’t give up on yourself. Allow Him the opportunity to work through you. Allow Him the opportunity to help you through your current situation. Give Him room to work and He will.
Praise the Lord!