We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6
Do your children believe that the most important in thing in your life is your relationship with God? Do you tell them to live a certain way and yet you live another? Surprisingly, most people do just that. They spend a life time teaching right from wrong and yet the children take the road of self-destruction. They often wonder the cause and the answer is simple: They simply do as you do and not as you say and taught. Your actions speak louder than our words. It is nice to teach your children but they learn the most by watching you. They handle situations as you do. Are you emotional, always ready to lose your temper? Are you a person who thinks before speaking or divulge everything that comes to mind? Do you pray over each and every meal or do you just dig in? There are a million little things that we do that affect our surrounding and we don't even realize. It doesn't matter how many times we tell our children not act as we do because they will most likely do it anyway.

Be adults who put God first by your words and actions. Don't fall apart when trouble come, fall down on your knees instead. Let your children see that you believe in God's promise to take care of all of your needs. Spare your children the pain that comes with unbelief, lead them right. Spare them the hurt you experience by resisting God's will for too long. Don't let them go astray, spare them the iniquity. Be a great leader in your family and community by allowing your actions to speak louder than your words and be blessed.
Praise the Lord!
Happy Birthday Jose. P! Thank you for being a brother your siblings can really be proud of always. Thank you for leading by example.
Happy 7th. Birthday Frederic M. Davis! May the love of God remain in your heart now and forever! Auntie loves you so so so very much.................