So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6
Without faith we cannot please God. There are two worlds: The seen and the unseen. Which one are you going to believe? There are two teachers: Jesus Christ and the devil. Which one are you going to listen to? The choice is totally up to you. You can follow Jesus and live eternally and you can follow the devil and spend a life or torments and eternity in the lake of fire. The choice is yours. It is a simple choice but many choose not to have abundant life. Friend, looking out the unseen things will only be achieve by the word of God. the Word of God is the highest authority. The Word God should be ruling/dictating your life and not the word of man.
David and Abraham, for example, are two men who live by faith and how great were their rewards! The word of God is what validate your faith because faith comes by hearing the word of God. When you believe that you receive you will have it and we know we receive when we ask according to His will and we know that God is the giver of life and the giver of all good things. God wants you to be healthy and live and abundant life. You have victory over sickness, disease and pain. You can walk in victory no matter what you see, no matter what you heard and no matter what the doctors say. Our heavenly father have given us a blank check and all we have to do is deposited and start making withdrawals.
My dear friend, when you choose God you cannot lose. Choose God and you will win. It is is a win-win situation. You can live in constant fear or you can rely on God's word. You can believe that God will honor His word to heal you and live in expectation. It does not matter if the cyst is still visible, if you still feel pain and if the doctors say it is hopeless. God says it, and that settles it. You are healed. You are made whole. You will overcome this situation. Abraham believe God and become a father when he was 100 years old. It was impossible by all accounts. Sarah became a mother at 90 years old. I am sure she was told by all in her surroundings that it would be impossible. God is the God of possibilities.
God can do it all and the Bible says in Malachi 3:6 that God will never change. He still doing the things He has always done. He is capable of doing the things He has done in the past. He can heal your body, your mind, your emotion and your broken heart. He can give you that job you so desperately seeking. He is able and willing to work a miracle in your finances. He is able to restore that broken relationship. He is able to bring the loss child back home. He is able to help restore that child with the learning disability. He is able to lift you up. He is able to fill you with joy and a new hope for the future. He is able to give you wisdom about that big move you been wanting to make. HE IS ABLE. HE IS ABLE. HE IS ABLE!
My dear friend do not give up. Believe in God no matter what you see or hear. Believe without seeing. It does not matter if the tests remain unchanged. Hang on to His word and do not listen the teacher of defeat and lies. Choose the giver of life. Choose truth. Choose the Word of God and be blessed, be healed, be delivered, be made whole, and be set free!
I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27
Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You. Jeremiah 32:17
Praise the Lord!