What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors (we will do even more than win!) through him who loved us. Romans 8:37
What does it mean to be a conqueror? It simply means that we can face anything the world has to throw at us (war can come, famine, depression, recession, illness, lack, rejection ect.). Friend listen, you just lost your job? You are more than a conqueror. The doctor just made his grim diagnosis? You are more than a conqueror. You have been rejected by love ones? You are more than a conqueror. Hard times ahead? You're a conqueror. No matter what you see, hear, feel and whatever the enemy has thrown at you, you are a conqueror through Jesus Christ, the Lord. Victory is yours. When Christ said "It is finished" it was finished. There is nothing left to be done. The devil's work in the Garden of Eden was undone. You are now righteous and forgiven through Jesus Christ finished work at Calvary. Amen.

Listen, because of the cross, God will always be on your side. He wants you to succeed. God does not want you to be sick. It is definitely not God's will for you to be poor. His word says: "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." John 1:2 and "But thanks be to God! He always leads us triumphantly by the Messiah and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of knowing him." 2 Corinthians 2:14
Oh listen, if you are a believer, God is for you. No matter who you are. Regardless of what you have done or where you come from, God is for you. He is not against you. listen, you can be in the poorest country of the world right now, but God is for you. You maybe the most insignificant person in your family but God is for you. He loves you dearly. He wants you well in spite of where you may be in your walk with him. You maybe a new Christian, it does not make a difference. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, you must know that God: Yahweh, Jehovah Rapha, Nissi, Elohim, Emmanuel, Adonai, the Lion of Judah, Emmanuel, Jesus the Christ, is for you. God is on your side. You are not alone on the battlefield of life. Allelujah! Listen, nothing can turn God against you. No mountains, no valley, no pain, no disease and listen up, no sin can keep you from the love of God. It is finished! Thank you Lord Jesus. I receive it. I accept it.
Listen, God has your back. He is walking with you through the foreclosure proceedings. God is with you as you are getting fired. He is with you at the doctor's office. He is going to be with you if you must go to the hospital, God is with you always. He is talking to you right now. Listen, if God is with you, who can dare be against you? Are you getting excited? You are more than a conqueror. Do you understand? He who is in you (came to live inside of you when you were saved) is greater than/has more power than ANY illness (yep! even Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer, Cancer of any kind, AIDS, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Migraine Headache, Endometriosis, digestive ailments, loneliness, depression ect.).
IT DOES NOT MATTER IF IT RUNS IN YOUR FAMILY. IT STOPS NOW. He who is in you is bigger than that financial and social situation. He will cause you to triumph. You are more than conqueror. You have victory in Jesus. Praise Him!
Friend, when you get a revelation of the truth about who God say you are in Christ you will walk just like Jesus walked on this earth. He walked fearless and He exercised His authority humbly without arrogance or pride. You would have a different attitude about life and your destiny. Circumstances would not define you. You are the righteousness of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has authority that was given to Him by God the Father. Matthew 28:18 says "Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth." Through Him you also have dominion over sickness, disease, pain and lack. You have authority over your circumstances. You have victory over the job situation. You have victory over oppression. You have authority over hunger.
Listen, you have authority over your body. Start practicing your authority over little situations and move gradually. It does not matter if you are dealing with a big issue. He who is in you is BIGGER.....GREATER....He has more POWER! You can tell your body that it is going to be healed. You can tell your body that it is not going to yield to that doctor's diagnosis. It is not every time you feel something that you must look for that aspirin. Order your body to be well. Speak to you flesh to yield to holiness when tempted. Speak life over your children. Speak healing over your loved ones. Speak submission over that out of control child. You really have that much power through the blood sacrifice at Calvary. Jesus conquered death and now you too can have victory. You are more than a conqueror. Thank God for authority! Jesus walked this earth and always spoke with authority (not insolence and impertinence).

The truth is that you were destined to win. He still loves you. You are not a conqueror through your own merit. You are more than a conqueror through Christ. A conqueror is a ruler. You can now rule over anything. Nothing should intimidate you. The truth is you don't even have to fight for anything. Nothing is hopeless. Jesus fought and won just for you. All that is left to do now is for you to embrace it. Remember that you are never alone. My prayer is that you will let the truth of Jesus Christ take roots in your heart and that you decide right now that you will never feel defeated another day of your life because the common enemy, Satan, has been defeated more than 2000 years ago. Through the blood of the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ you shall be more than conquerors. Amen.
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4
Praise the Lord!