Striving for the kingdom of God means to always stand for what’s right, but it is a difficult thing to accomplish; it takes determination because when you are in the process of changing, you have to expect opposition and so coming from unlikely places. As you are changing family and friends may turn their backs on you. People fear the unknown and the person you’re becoming is unknown, a stranger to them and they will be afraid and they may even call you a few names such as weirdo, extremist, just to name a few. The truth is you will also be puzzled by the transformation. You will lose interest in certain familiar things because you are “under construction”. The old you will start dying in order to make room for the new anointed you. It can be a very lonely place to be but I am urging to keep on and move forward by continuing to follow God. It may be confusing now but it’s going to make sense soon. You are going to find out that you are indeed an extremist: extremely blessed, extremely prosperous, extremely smart, extremely excited and extremely changed and anointed child of God.
When you are saved, turn your life over to Christ (born again), the Holy Spirit begins to work within you and brings the best out of you. Your perspective on life changes because you will learn to walk by faith and not by sight. It will not matter what you are going through in life. You will learn to trust the word of God and you will always have peace in the midst of your storm. It is an exciting transformation and the people who are close to you may become intimidated because as you spend more time reading the word of God and growing spiritually, you end up spending less time with your family and friends and it’s going to take some getting used to. You have to find a way to communicate to love ones what’s happening to you and hopefully they will understand, but if they chose to forsake you or ridicule you, don’t panic. God has a way of accepting those who are forsaken and He certainly bless those who put Him first. When you give God’s word your full attention you will find true happiness and fulfillment you never thought possible and you can be assure that you will never face another lonely day in your life because the Holy Spirit will always be with you. Friend, embrace who you are becoming in Christ Jesus. Enjoy the person God created you to be, and savor the transformation, don’t resist it. Find balance in the word and be blessed.
Praise the Lord!