I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man come unto the father, but by me.(John 14:6)
You are most likely aware of the Controversy through centuries between the Lord Jesus Christ (the Truth) and Satan (the liar). Satan has attacked the truth and is busy working hard in order to take with him as many people as possible to eternal damnation. The Word of God is truth and Christ Jesus is the truth. Jesus is called the Word of God. Jesus came as the Emmanuel! God with us! And from the beginning of His life on earth until His death on the cross, Jesus walked the truth. He came to show us the way. Some believe that He was crucified because He was a liar but Jesus was crucified as an innocent man. Pilate said, "I find no fault in this man." although all do not look at Jesus from the standpoint of Him being the Son of God; nevertheless they can find no fault in Him. He reveals the true God and exposes sinful man. Jesus Christ is our all in all. He is all the treasures of truth, wisdom, and knowledge. Colossians 2:3
No one has ever lived like Jesus. He is alone when it comes to how He lived. We can say in truth there never has been person like the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Truth. He fully reveals the Lord's way and enables us to be restored to it. Multiple religions are man's way of justifying their twisted lives. Only Christ leads back to God the Father. Let us not be ashamed of the Truth. Only here will we find the glorious path to true freedom. If we want to model our lives after Him we have to live in truth and abstain from things that make the devil feel at home in our lives. One thing that creates a climate for the devil is lying. If your life is not based on truth; you are creating a climate where the devil will feel welcome; therefore the Holy Spirit will not be around and your prayers will bear no positive results. By living and loving a lie, Satan will feel at home because the devil is a liar, the prince of darkness.
God's kingdom on the other hand, is built on truth.
Thy Word is truth. (John 17:17)
The Spirit is truth. (1 John 5:6).
One of the most devastating things in a Christian life is what we call a little white lie. There is no such thing as a little white lie. A lie is a lie. If there's an area in your life that is not based on absolute truth, then you are creating a place for the devil, and surely the Holy Spirit will shy away from your life. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
Let's make the ultimate decision to always tell the truth. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. (Romans 8:16).
Let's ask God for His help right this moment, to help us change our lying life style so we can become the son/daughter of God.
The Scriptures claim that truth is fully embodied in the person of Jesus Christ (John 18:37). It is not so much that Jesus has the answers to life’s questions as much as that He is the answer. Friend, may you find the truth not merely in abstractions or in creedal affirmations, but in knowing Jesus as your Lord and savior.
Praise the Lord!