God had provided for Abraham in the time of great need. He will provide for all of those that put their trust in Him. The God of Abraham is alive, and let us rest assured that, as certainly as Abraham, Jacob and Daniel in distress, that when there seemed to be no way of escape, the Lord appeared for them and was seen , even so shall it be with you and I when times of extreme pressure come. He is not a respecter of persons. He does not show favoritism. Acts 10:34 says that God does not show favoritism. We shall all be tried and tested, but in our utmost need God will see to our deliverance, if we would let faith have her perfect work, and will pray and quietly await the moment when the Lord shall be seen working His glorious provision. The Lord is the Preserver and the Provider of men. I pray and long for all of us to get this truth firmly planted in our hearts. I pray that you let yourself be reminded of Abraham and all of those before us who trusted God to be their provider and were not even once deceived.

So friend, what is your pressing need this morning? Whatever it may be, God has it in unlimited supply and He wants to provide it for His glory. He wants to give it to you more than you want to receive it. God's wealth is at your disposal; His healing (emotional, physical and spiritual) is at your disposal. Don't continue to torture yourself by refusing to take God at His word. You are His child, His creation. You are His personal property, and He desires to give you His perpetual care and complete attention. I want to remind you that The God of Abraham, Daniel and Jacob is still in perfect control. He is able and willing to do all things. You must take the initial step to believe His word and you need to remind yourself every morning that you serve Jehovah Jireh.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!