Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:9-11
I know there have been times in my own life when my prayers didn't exactly seem to "avail much." I wonder if you have had moments in life when all seem dark. For about four years I prayed and expected God to restore my mother’s health. I don’t think I ever desired anything more my whole life. I can clearly recall the weeks that followed my mother’s death when she was still in her thirties. I remember the sense that I was loved, protected, and perfectly safe was gone and replaced with a devastating emptiness, deep loneliness, and a feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. Up to that point I had faith in God and I trusted Him to protect me but my mother’s death was a game changer. It was the first major loss in my life. I started to see things differently. I questioned whether or not God really loves me. I woke up one day and I realize that I no longer trusted God. I was on a dangerous path of self-destruction. For example, I can remember shaking my head in disbelief when hearing or reading, "Whatever you ask in prayer you will receive"? Or "Ask and it will be given to you"? And “ if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted”
Fourteen years into the journey, I was ready to throw in the towel. I find it comforting that the prophet Jeremiah experienced such despair as well. Read Lamentations and you understand what I mean. I don’t know what your journey with God has been until today but I am sure you have experienced your own bumpy ride. I want to assure you dear friend that the loneliness due to my mother’s passing was nothing compared to the level of hopelessness I experienced in the months when I no longer trusted God. If there is one thing I love the most about God it has to be the fact that He is immutable. He is not shaken by our unbelief. He does not panic or act unreasonably as we often do. He remains eternally faithful. He never gives up on us. When we reject Him, He still pursues us patiently and lovingly. In the midst of his torment the prophet Jeremiah remembers God’s faithfulness. Even though God seems to be silent in answer to his prayers, Jeremiah realized through God’s dealings with others in the past that He is never absent though silent at and misunderstood at times.
My dear friend, our loving Father revealed Himself abundantly clear in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Listen, our heavenly Father can be trusted through adversity and pain even though He is unseen. Like Jeremiah, I remembered God faithfulness and was able to run back to His loving arms before it was too late. He has always taken great care of me. I have learned to patiently hope in Him even when I don’t understand His plan to the fullest. A loving relationship requires trust and I have learned to trust God. You too can trust Him. Do not let illness, pain, and financial hardship keep you from trusting God. Listen; what we have in Him is far greater than what this world can ever offer us. Listen; even if we were to lose our health and wealth, we would still win. There is no losing with God. Have God; Have it all.
Praise the Lord!