Monday, January 30, 2012

Teaching Children the Way of the Lord...............

Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Psalm 127:3

Train a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not turn away from it. Proverbs 22:6

Parents must know that before they can ever be successful Christian parents, they must have their own relationship with the Lord, and, just as it is important that children see them living right, they must also see them loving each other as God intended. Friend, you cannot teach your children something you are not practicing. Believe me when I tell you that this generation will not do as you say, but you can be sure that they will do as you do. You have to practice what you preach. You must live the value.  If you expect your life to have a positive impact on your children, then you must be transformed by the Word of God first. Your children must see that God is the center of your life and that you value your relationship with Him. It is of great importance that you set aside personal time alone with God. You need to be growing so that you can help your children to grow. Listen, do not underestimate the influence your way of life has on your children. If you wan godly children as I suspect you do, then you must also be a godly parent. As an educator, I know that usually a child's attitude is the direct result of the parents’ life. I can almost predict what the parents will be like when I meet them based on the students behavior. I know for a fact that children learn best by observation.Children learn by observing you. Ephesians 6:4 - Fathers are commanded to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You cannot leave this up to others, including your wife (of course, she is responsible too). You are responsible (both parents). You have no right to shift it to others.

The Bible says that parents (so glad it does not "mothers") should diligently teach the Word to their children. The word "diligent" means "attentive, careful, and persistent".  You are not to teach them through the "Because I said so!"  method. It does not work because it not biblical. You must develop in them convictions based on the Word of God. Children are the heritage of God and His reward. Therefore, you must teach them what  God would have them learn. Some parents spend too much time away from home pursuing other interests. Some simply don't care and this behavior is unacceptable. Raising children is a responsibility that both parents have to embrace. It is the Will of God for the Word of God is the Will of God.

Friend you must accept the honor of raising the children that God entrusted you with and you must exercise due diligence in raising them  properly as instructed by God. You must not leave this God-given responsibility to others You will be held accountable for your own disobedience at the appointed time. Let's show the precious children that serving God  isn’t optional. Teach them the truth. Show them that God's way is the best way.

And Father how grateful I am for your your truth. Thank you for this much needed word today. Thank you for trusting me with the honorable task of raising your children. Give me the strength to raise to do the right thing no matter how difficult. I honor you and I praise you in the holy name of Jesus your son, and my Lord and Savior.

Praise the Lord!