"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it". John 14:12-14
When we become born again, we are strong and we believe in our untested faith, that we can overcome any trial or temptation; yet when faced with a real problem, we often cave in under the pressures of the situation.
Jesus is alive in Heaven and makes intercession for us today; when we have a need small or big, (health, emotional, financial, relational) we have the guarantee that He will answer our prayers, and for that there is no reason to worry. As we get older our faith should get stronger and not the other way around. As we experience God's goodness we have to let go of ourselves and faithfully let Him take the lead. I was thinking of Abraham and David earlier this week, both of them had great faith in God but both of them were tested in certain areas of their lives. They struggled a bit but they knew without a shadow of a doubt, from their close relationship with God, that He was real and that He keeps all of His promises. Trusting God was a way of life. We now have a Bible wit countless report of miracle, with testimonies of God's infallible word. We have countless literature and a variety of Christian television stations proclaiming the Good News of Christ and yet we still struggle with our faith.
Let's get back to basic by believing that Christ is alive, sitting at the right of the father at this moment, pleading our cases (big and small). Let's believe that we already won our battles through His death on Calvary. Let's accept the healing (of all diseases) and emotional wholeness that His death brought us. Let's understand that our well-being is a priority to Him. Let's trust Him to keep us safe in this scary world. Let us know without a doubt that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He will do for you and I what He's done for others. Believe Him to care about your situation today (all of them) and soon your harvest, your victory that you already have on the super-Natural will manifest itself in the natural. Remember, you are not alone. You have an intercessor in Christ. Go to Him. He is waiting.
“Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me. I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” John 6:37
Praise the Lord!