They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power,
12 to make known to the children of man your[a] mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. Psalm 145:11-12
"God is mighty, but he does not despise anyone! He is mighty in both power and understanding. Job 36:15
For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Zephaniah 3:17
I think it is important to be reminded every now and again that we do serve a mighty God. There are many things happening in the world right now that left people wondering about God's presence. Allow me to reassure you that God has never been more present. God is still omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He continues to see it all. He is still healing. He is still delivering his people out of trouble. God is still able. The voice of evil may be loud but the silent voice of God in our hearts should remain clear.
I don't think I need to mention what is happening right now. Under you have been under a rock, you are fully aware of the devastation the world is experiencing right now. I will not glorify evil, but The world is on High alert. Listen, we don't need to be confused. We know that God is not asleep. God is alive. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12: 29 that our God is a consuming fire. WOW! We have nothing to fear. I don't think a consuming fire would be afraid of our bad situations. surely Satan is manifesting his presence like a roaring lion, but he still cannot touch those who are under God's protection.
Friends, no matter what we hear or see, we need to be unshaken in our knowledge that God loves us. He is able to look over His people. He is still saving. He is still healing. He is forever mighty!
Listen, I need you to know that everything seems upside down and storms are raging around you, turn to God. Call on God and He will come. God cares. Do not be shaken by these storms. God has the the power and the will to deliver you out of them all. It is my experience that God might even make you stronger because of them. Some storms are for growth.
My friend, there is no other power that can stand or even compare to the power of the God that we serve. No other god is like our God. He has the record to prove it. There was a situation at the end of last year that brought my entire family to the point of worry, but we all soon realize that God was in the midst of eat. It was okay. He spoke calmness to our hearts. He gave us peace through it. He came through for us. He delivered our loved ones. God is mighty!
Friend, what I really want to tell you today is to remember that you have a Good Shepherd. He is always near even if you can see Him you can be assured that He loves you and never will leave you. God is not a bystander. He is concern about you. He is watching you. My dear friend, do not be afraid of the terrors of this world, or sickness, pain, and even death. God will always be with you. He is a promise keeper. He can be trusted. As we about to start a new month, make the decision to be unshaken in your faith. Make the choice to trust the One and only Mighty God.
There is power in our praise. Take a moment to praise God right now for all He has done, all He is doing, and all that He will do in your life. He is the Almighty. He deserves your praise.
Praise the Lord
Join us tomorrow for part 2
Join us tomorrow for part 2