In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.Psalm 18:6
We often speak of salvation and I wonder if Christians understand what salvation really is. Most Christians know that God has promised not only to save the person from sin, but to keep him saved. Heb 7:25 "Therefore Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." We can rest secure in Christ because Jesus is both "the author and finisher of our faith". Heb 12:2.
Now, since the work of salvation is finished, it was was completed more than 2000 years ago, We only need to trust Him for it. There is nothing left to be done. Jesus did it all. He has given His word that He will be with us always. We need someone to be by our side for support. The Bible tells us that we are not alone. God has promised never to leave us. Heb 13:5 "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Believers know they are saved because God has the power to keep the believer from falling. God promises that He will do so.
But was Jesus' sacrifice on the cross limited? Salvation is limitless. If Jesus sacrifice can save you from eternal death, you can certainly be healed today. Which is greater salvation or healing? Surely eternal life is greater. My friend Jesus wants you well. Do not worry. AT the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and all the others shall bow at the name of Jesus. You don't have to worry. Place your faith in God and be healed. I do understand the daily trials and the pain of physical ailments but I know from experience that Jesus still heals. He still saves. He can and will touch you if you ask Him to do so, He is always willing. It does not matter what it looks like and it does not matter what the doctors are saying. Put your faith in God and be healed.
Praise the Lord!