Monday, June 1, 2009

GIVE God your BEST.

"There is no Holy One like the Lord; there is no rock like our God" 1 Samuel 2:1


As I read Hannah's prayer, I realized that God has a way of rewarding His children when they keep His covenant.

We all know the story of Hannah, She was married to a man named Elkana. He had another wife named Peninnah, while she had children, Hannah couldn't bear any and Penninah wouldn't let her forget it. Hannah made the vow to dedicate the child to the service of the Lord if He'd bless her with one. Hannah became pregnant and kept her word to the Lord and brought Samuel to the house of the Lord . The Lord blessed Hannah with 3 more boys and 2 more sons.

God is faithful and He has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Malachi3:6, Hebrew 1:12, Hebrew 13:8), He still in the prayers answering business; we are the ones who don’t keep our words. While Hannah offered God all that she had, some Christians today are afraid to give God their best.

When Hannah was going after her miracle, she did a few things:
1) She brought her request to the Lord. How wise was that? Considering that we tell everyone about our sorrow except God, the only One who has the power to do something about it, and the only One who really cares. Friend, you must learn to carry your burdens to the Lord. "Come to me, all you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. It is an order to come to the Lord with our petitions.

2) Hannah made a promise to God and actually kept it. Christians still believe that they can cheat the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God. They make promises they have no intentions of keeping and they receive the blessing they make excuses. Friend, God is a Promise keeper and a covenant God. He will not forget. It would be best not to make a promise than to lie and cheat to the all-knowing and all-powerful God

3) Hannah gave Him praise.
God deserve honor and glory forever. Wouldn’t you agree? When Hannah was praying for a child, she did not open her mouth. She was too broken. Her prayer was a silent one and it is not recorded in the Bible as far as I know but God understood what she was saying and blessed her with a son, but this time her song of praise and thanksgiving is recorded in 1 Samuel 2. Friend it is an order, “Always remember to praise the Lord” 1 Thessalonians 18.

Don't be afraid to give God your best today, because it's by giving Him your best that we will see His best, His glory.

Praise the Lord!

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