He has now, in His human body, reconciled to God by His death, to bring you, holy and faultless and irreproachable, Into His presence; Colossians 1:22
I never get tired of hearing about Jesus death and resurrection. This story can never get told too many times; most stories end with someone else living happily ever after; but the story of Christ ends with me living happily and forever next to the King of Kings; praise the Lord! What Jesus is reported to have done is not a tale or a lie; it is the truth. I don’t think people of our time understand the importance of such sacrifice because they are simply not used to put anyone’s interest before their own. We are “the looking out for #1 generation”. It is difficult to understand what Jesus has done. It is my belief that more people would come to Christ if they understood the sacrifice on Calvary.
In brief this is what Christ accomplished on Calvary: The King of kings, son of the Living God left His throne, lived among us as a man to show us God’s way and to offer Himself as a sacrifice (payment for our sin debt in full) in order to restore our relationship with The Creator and to give us access to eternal life. We were hell-bound, separated from God forever. We were condemned. Christ substituted His life for ours. Glory! We are now holy, faultless and irreproachable in God’s eyes, praise the Lord.
We have a responsibility to share the good news of Christ, in fact He commands us to do so: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit", Matthew 28:19
Some of our friends would be amazed to hear that we are Christians. Our actions/behavior and words should reflect our faith. Christians in many part of the world are still dying for their faith but we are blessed here in America, we can go to church and still preach the gospel openly. Let’s take advantage of it. Let share our beliefs and our hope to a condemned, hopeless and dying world. People need to hear about Jesus. I challenge you to tell one person about Christ today and be blessed.
Praise the Lord!
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