Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You are a Bride

Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory. For the wedding of the Lamb has come. (Revelation 19:7)

When I was single, I couldn't attend a wedding without crying. I used to be very emotional in the sense that, there is so much beauty at a wedding, the bride is always so beautiful, the groom so proud and parents so excited and happy that I get overwhelmed by it all.
One day, I was meditating on Revelation 19:7, and the Holy Spirit opened up my eyes on the true nature of my attitude at weddings. The reality is, I am a bride and you are also a bride. When we were saved we became espoused to the Holy Spirit, and what we got from it is more than a ring, we actually got the best husband of all, and a guarantee of eternal life.

As a bride you and I have the same responsibilities to be faithful and to honor our groom by your words, actions and behavior.

I now enjoy being part of wedding celebration for no eyes have seen and no ears have heard about the celebration that is awaiting us, at our wedding, when we finally meet our groom, and our Savior.

Let's take a moment to really praise the Lord today and worship Him for making provisions for all of our needs.

Praise the Lord!

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