Saturday, June 18, 2011


This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Every day should be a celebration of life. This is not just another 24 hours. You are not awake by accident. God preordained this day just for you. Begin every day with this affirmation of faith: "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24). People don’t enjoy each day because they are worrying about yesterday and tomorrow. The truth is yesterday is gone forever and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Friend, we only have today so let us make the best of it. Expect the unexpected. Expect something great to happen today. Expect favor of man and expect favor of God. Confess to yourself that “Disappointments of yesterday and worries of tomorrow have no place in my today”. In fact, don’t wait for something good to happen. Make something good happen instead. Call a sick friend and pray together. Take a child to the park. Invite a friend to lunch. Walk up to your aged neighbor’s door and offer to do the laundry, read a book or mow the lawn. Take the lonely couple down the block for a walk or offer to take their pet for a walk. You will be amazed at the results.

Trust me when I tell you that doing something for others brings much joy, and there is nothing more unfortunate than a miss opportunity. I was at the grocery store a while back and there was a lady before the young man in front of me. As soon as I approached the cash register the Spirit of God came upon me and told me to pay for her groceries. I was running late for work. I just stopped by to get my yogurt and I was in no mood to spend more than I planned. I justified it to myself by saying “God knows I don’t have much myself.” Besides, I was embarrassed to interfere. So I looked away as the cashier and the lady continued their animated discussion. I over heard the lady saying that she really needed the food for lunch and the cashier repeatedly said she could not pay for “hot food” with her EBT card. The card is for groceries and not for food from the deli section of the store. The total was $2.05. When I finally decided to intervene and make eye contact the lady was gone. I immediately felt intense sadness and remorse. I ran outside and looked up and down but the lady was nowhere to be found. I spent the entire day trying to make up for it. I even purchased treats for my students and my co-workers, but nothing can make up for the miss opportunity. Friend, God should be able to count on us to carry out His Will. We should be excited about life, about giving and serving. We are never more like Christ than when we serve each other and sadly, we are never more like the devil when we look the other way and refuse to help.

Friend, right now is your opportunity. Make the best of every moment. Be on a look out for opportunity to serve. Make today the best day for someone else and you will be blessed. God will reward you. Your challenges will be less visible when you focus on someone else. Choose to see beauty where you are right now. Look in the mirror and you will see the glory of God. The Word of God in Psalm 139 says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are no accident. God knew you before you were conceived. This day is yours to enjoy. Sickness, disease, pain, rejection and lack do not rule over you. Live today. It does not get any better than today. Get up! Go out and live!

Praise the Lord!

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