Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What is God’s Purpose for the Believer?

Trust (have faith) in the LORD with all your heart (without any doubts) and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (He will direct your paths). Proverbs 3:5-6

Many would agree that Proverbs Chapter 3 is the best chapter in the book of proverbs because it tells us clearly what God expects of the believer. God has a common purpose for all believers. He wants us to obey him. Simple as that. I am talking about the kind of obedience that goes beyond and deeper than following some church leader or religious regulations and/or some denomination’s rituals. It involves letting God lead our paths on a daily basis and letting God lead our every step. I am talking about a true oneness and total dependency. It's not even about doing what the parents, church elders are going to think and what people will say. It's about discovering your own path and walking that path as God leads you. Our pursuit in life should be to fulfill what God wants of us, our destiny, which we can discover through constant communication, openness, trusting God and through obedience, which includes love; an undeniable, unconditional and unshaken love for God. Pursue God and you will fulfill your purpose. It is really that simple.

Jesus Christ said it best: "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness" (Matthew 6:33). Jesus also said to seek and we will find (Matthew 7:7). If you and I pursue God with all of our hearts and we will not have to be concerned about what God purpose is for us because we would be living it.

The primary problem with finding our purpose is that we are told by parents, preachers and religious leaders to wait on God and somehow, magically, by snapping a finger, God is going to reveal Himself, and some people wait forever or until they get tired of waiting and they no longer believe. To wait, as we discussed many times here, is an active verb. We wait on God as we read this word and invest the time necessary to know His ways. We wait for the revelation as we pursue him and seek him diligently.

Another problem with (inactive) waiting is that while in the waiting period some people live as they please, oblivious to God and God's instructions. God wants to be pleased with us. He wants to live an obedient life. Revelation tells us that God created all things for His pleasure, which is according to His purpose. So we can conclude that it is by striving to live a godly life for us that we will fulfill our destiny and find our purpose which is to have a relationship based on true love, complete trust and obedience with Him.

It is natural for a child to love his parents and unnatural not to love them. We love our parents despite who they are and are they have treated us. We love them because of who they are: our parents. We should obey God because we love and trust him. We obey him because of who he is. God's word in Ephesians 2:8-10 clearly declares that we are saved by grace alone and not works.

The truth of the matter is we CANNOT OBEY GOD ON OUR OWN. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Jesus said in Luke 6: 43-44 "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers." In reality we are all sinners. We bear bad fruits and the only way we bear good fruits is through Jesus Christ. That is why it is vital that we accept Christ as Lord. We become new creatures through Him as explained in 2 Corinthians 5:17; and only through the Lord Jesus Christ we can do all things ( Philippians 4:13). The Christian therefore, obey God because it becomes his nature (through Christ) to do so. Our loving Father creates a way to make it easy for us to obey him. Glory! WE CAN OBEY GOD THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Friend, your first objective should be obedience to God. Do not search for your purpose or else you will spend every day seeking and wishing in vain and you'd be preoccupied with the pursuit instead of being preoccupied with God. Walk in the Spirit to the best of your ability and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Do not let life road blocks distract you. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Walk in godliness. Walk in love. Remain in the Word and prayers. Meditate day and night. Let God lead you and stop leading yourself and you will find yourself living God's purpose for you.

Praise the Lord!


  1. Thanks for writing this. It brings together the truth in a way that's simple to follow, and in line with God's word.

    1. You are very welcome. Glad to be a blessing.
