Monday, October 17, 2011

God Delivers!

Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name. When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation. (Psalm 91:14-16)

Promises are one of the most important parts of relationships because they have to do with trust, and where there is no trust there is no relationship. Promises are the foundation of a relationship. This election season has me thinking about promise keepers a lot. When I was a child it was easy for me to trust. I only interacted with my parents and there wasn’t any reason to doubt their commitment to the family. They didn’t have to sign a contract. My siblings and I knew that they had our best interest at heart. Our experience with them indicated that they were deserving of our trust and respect. Now that I am an adult, sincerity and integrity are conditions to trust. It is hard to have confidence in the one who is speaking, unless I have some experience in dealing with the person. The integrity of the one making the promise is the factor that makes the promise valuable. It is actually sad because integrity is not even popular in our culture. We use contracts because they are so convenient, and besides, we can always make amendments if we don’t like a clause and there is also the opportunity to void the contract all together.

Some of our most notorious political, corporate and religious leaders, make carefully prepared and well-delivered statements loaded with great promises. But most of those words are later proven meaningless as we found out that those who said them were not trust worthy. In recent years, there has been an epidemic of divorces and rumor of abuse in our churches due to the simple fact that people (church goers included) are unable to keep their promises because promises-makers and promise-keepers are hard to find.

Friend, I know a promise keeper worthy of trust. His record speaks for itself. Abraham and Sarah (as God renames them) were made a promise. He was promised a son and the Lord promised that Abraham’s name would become great and that a nation would come from his descendants. God also promises to bless him so that he may be a blessing. Both Abraham and Sarah were old but in due time Isaac was born, (many years later) but still at the right time just as the Lord promised, and finally, The promise was fully and finally realized in Jesus Christ. When God gives us his word on something, He will keep it no matter what. Every promise is an iron-clad promise. He is The Promise Keeper. It doesn’t matter how impossible it seems to be, He will do what He says. You have to trust God.

Are you sick? God said you are healed. You were healed 200 years ago. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the bill for our salvation (those who believe). Jesus death and ressurrection set the captives free. He paid that bill in full with His blood. You have to trust God when He says He will answer your prayers. When He says He will be with you in time of troubles, He means it. He is the Promise Keeper.

You are anointed for warfare. (physical, spiritual, emotional, relational) you have what it takes to win all your battles. Don't be anxious about anything. Put your trust in God. He is able. He still delivers. He says what he means and he means what he says. You are healed! You are made whole. You are set free.

Praise the Lord!

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