Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thank you Lord!

Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. Always give thanks to God the father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:20-21)


It takes an instant for the situations of our daily life to change.  I prefer to enjoy God today, by praising Him, and thanking Him for his grace, his mercy and unconditional and unmistakable love for me while I still can.

Are you one of these people who are waiting until things are going well in "all areas" of your life before you to enjoy your life?  News flash: tomorrow may never come for you. Take this moment to thank God for all He's done so far and praise Him in advance for the coming blessings.

Are you one of these people who feel that you have nothing to be thankful for? Think of salvation. God sent His son Jesus Christ to die for you, a humiliating death, at Calvary in order for you to inherit eternal life. You don't need anything else. Life is the best gift you will ever receive, if you haven't done so yet, pray this prayer now:

Heavenly Father, I refuse to wait until I get good news before I thank you, help me be aware of all my blessings today, before tragedy strikes. You are a wonderful father, the best caretaker I could ask for. I submit my destiny, my will, my entire being to your capable hand today; Do unto me, as you will. I thank you for all my past, present, and future blessings; and I thank you most of all, for sending Christ Jesus to die for the forgiveness of my sins and it is by His Holy name I pray. Amen. 

Friend, make it part of your daily routine to praise and thank the Lord for your many blessings, whether you recognize it or not, you are constantly being blessed, protected and loved by God.

Be happy today, and always. You are loved.

Praise the Lord!

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