"If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:3
What does freedom really mean? Some believe that freedom means that they can drink as much alcohol as they want and then get behind the wheel of a car? How about Doing as much drugs as they can and kill every one who gets in their way, even innocent babies. Does it mean that people can continue to have children right and left outside marriage? How about pornography? Many believe that they have the right to watch as much pornography as possible with their children and what they do in their homes is their business and no one else 's concern. Some people want the freedom to kill babies as they see fit to accommodate their lifestyles, and with no remorse nonetheless. A newer form of freedom is to destroy the sanctity of marriage, destroying family and defying God. Every earthly effort towards moral freedom brings captivity and bondage to something else and consequently destroy lives. Wouldn't you agree?
Let us think about the holiday we are celebrating today. It is known as “the Fourth of July,” because lucky enough, it falls on that same date every year. But it is formally named "Independence Day." Is "independence" a positive word? I cannot claim to be a lexicographer and English is definitely not my first, second, or third language, but I have learned that the prefix "in" means "not." For instance, "inaccurate" means "not correct." "Indecent" means "not decent," inaccessible means "not approachable," "incessant" means "not stopping," "incoherent" means "not comprehensible," right? So if you carry similar line of thought then, Independence Day celebrates the fact we are not dependent on......something. We may have been freed from the monarchy of England, but are we indeed free? This nation was built on the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and after so many years husbands are killing wives and mothers are killing their own children. Some kill them before they are even born, if you can believe it! Meanwhile, fathers are abusing their families. There are many television shows promising large sum of money, love and marriage. Why is that? Are we still pursuing happiness? Shouldn't we have attained it yet? How long have we been independent?

My dear friend, if Christ is your savior you could and should openly proclaim your spiritual declaration of freedom today and forever. Jesus died for your true freedom. He did not grant you the freedom to live in sin, but He has instead offered the freedom to triumph over sin and He also granted you the freedom to live in your created/design purpose; free from guilt, power and curse of sin. As we celebrate today, let us think of the blood sacrifice of Christ and let us be free indeed. You can't begin to understand freedom until you understand the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary. As we remember the founding fathers today, let us take a moment to thank our heavenly father for sending His only begotten Son to our rescue; true freedom starts and ends with Christ. Will you share the good news of Christ with someone today?
Praise the Lord!

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