Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be Encouraged!

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7

David was a very spiritual man. God said "a man after my own heart"). He admitted he had challenges and expressed them through song in his psalms. The reality is there are so many people struggling through life with one form of challenge or another. I think what happens is that when we go through hard times, somehow we feel like we are the only one going through it. We tend to feel like no one else has been through this or even see the vulnerable places of our heart and can relate to what’s going on in your life. We tend to forget that we still have God on our side, and He is the one who really matters. God wants us to trust Him. He does provide for those who put their trust in Him. When He wanted to provide for Abraham, He tested his faith by asking him to sacrifice his only son (we know that God did not spare his own son for our salvation). God wants us to trust Him. He does provide for those who put their trust in Him. When He wanted to provide for Abraham, He tested his faith by asking him to sacrifice his only son (we know that God did not spare His own son for our salvation). A man of God has this to say about faith "Faith isn’t believing in God in spite of evidence but it is obeying in spite of consequences."

Christians still count on their own ability. When in trouble, they get discouraged if they are unable to see a way out. They worry time and again and finally, in absolute frustration and when they have exhausted all they know to do, they finally surrender and declare that it's now "in God's hands?" Friend, God should not be your last resort. He is our first and only hope, God will really provide for those who trust in and understand that He is indeed Jehovah Jireh. After analyzing my life, from childhood to today and after reading my Bible thoroughly, I am convinced that is NOTHING that cannot do. God can do all things. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist" Colossians 1:16-17. As believers in Christ, you and I must trust the Lord. When troubles come, we must trust that God it all under control and that He has our best interest at heart. The True Believer does not ask why he should trust God; instead, he asks, "How can I trust God more fully?" The true believer does not ask why this and that has happened or haven’t happened to me, he instead invite God to use him as He sees fit.

God loves us and wants to help us with ALL our problems (from a broken nail, loss of employment, to our struggle with Diabetes, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, to our broken relationships and our emotional trials). All we have to do is let Him in. He wants to help. He wants to be in our lives. He wants us to experience His peace but we need to read and meditate on the Word to know him better. We can only trust someone we know. Friend, get to know God. Let Him be to you what He already is: Your creator, your provider, your healer, you joy, your peace, your salvation and your everything. Let not your heart be discouraged. He is able!

No weapons of disease, no weapons of death, no weapons formed against you shall prosper. Trust God. the adversary cannot win.

Be saved! Be healed! Be delivered!

"The fear of man brings a snare: but whoever puts his trust in the LORD shall be safe" (Proverbs 29:25)

Praise the Lord!

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