Tuesday, September 18, 2012

MY Rock, My Fortress & My Deliverer!

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalm 18:2


God has a reputation of being everything to His people. He was David's fortress, Daniel's deliverer and my rock. The first time rock appeared as a metaphor for God was when Jacob blessed Joseph. He calls God “the Rock of Israel.” That is a powerful image of God. I grew up in a mountainous Caribbean islands and rocks are not easily moved and they are used for safety. When I think of rocks, I think of a place of safety. When I was a child my mother was my rock. I knew God, My mother was my safety, my go to person for comfort and when she unexpectedly died in her mid thirties my world also crumbled. I desperately needed someone I can turn to and someone who cares and could make things better. Fortunately my mother was a praying woman who lived by the Word of God. She made sure we knew God. When nothing else made sense, I always found refuge in the Lord. When I was at my weakest point the Lord was my rock.

Thankfully, I was introduced to God as a child and I grew up knowing Him as my rock. I did not have to struggle with it as an adult. I was blessed to have known God as my rock, my stronghold and deliverer at an early age. Now as an adult, I realized that I have been through many changes. I have had high and low moments. I have lived many places. I have experiences certain level of success and I struggled in some areas but God has always been consistent. He remains faithful through my ups and downs. He remains my rock. As I am facing some challenging times, I am encouraged for I know my redeemer lives. He will work it all out for my good. I do not have to be afraid.

My dear friend, you too need a rock. You need someone who cares. You need someone who will always hear you. You need someone to shelter you in time of great danger. God is the ultimate rock. The One who will never leave you or forsake you. The beauty of it is that you do not have to ask God to be your rock. He already is your rock. When you are hurting and need a hiding place, go to him. When you are happy and need to share your joy, go to him and give him praise. He is the One who causes everything to work out for your good. He is a good father who only wants good for his children. You need God all the time. Invite Jesus Christ into your life and let God be for you what he has been for many before you: A fortress, a stronghold, a refuge and a rock!

Praise the Lord!

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