Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5
I don't believe that God is in the business of wasting time. Obviously, He created the universe in less than one week. I believe that God is purposeful and He says what He means and He means what He says. I also believe that every word of the Bible is God inspired. In the Old Testament and again in the New testament, God commanded us to love Him wholeheartedly. He initially said it, and then later Jesus reinforced it by repeating it.
Friend, God wants ownership of our hearts. He wants to dwell in our hearts. God does not wish to be our last love. He wants to be our first and greatest love and every time we do not put Him first, we are in disobedience. God did not suggest that we love him. He commanded us to do so. I know for certain that heartbreak follows each time someone or something takes precedence over God in my life. As recently as recently as this year I experienced multiple mishaps due to the fact that(unknowingly)I have put certain things ahead of God. I (unknowingly) started to see someone else as my source and it took me a moment and lot of unnecessary painful days to come to this realization. The Bible urges us to be vigilant. You and I must make sure that nothing is more important than God. We must give him His righteous place. He deserves it.
Friend, you must know by now that when we rely on others we get disappointed and we fall, but the more we claim GOD as our source and recognize that HIS abundance is ours, the sooner things work out for the best. My dear friend, wee constantly have to submit to the guidance of THE HOLY SPIRIT, and constantly affirm "not my will by thy will" GOD'S plan for us is perfect full of joy that translates into ecstasy. OUR FATHER is fine.Psalm 145:8 says that the LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. Remember that the first sin entered the world was when mankind separated himself from God by doing something forbidden and from that sin all the others follow.
Constant sadness, envy, fear, doubt, loss of enthusiasm, diminished hope, insecurities, hopelessness and lack of confidence are signs that we have taken our minds off of GOD. None of those can inhabit a heart in which God resides because God is love, joy, peace and abundance. An overflowing Heart can not experience loneliness and feeling of inadequacy. It is imperative that you and I keep our hearts and mind fix on God. Listen, the Bible says in James 1:17 that Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. it is great that God bless us with companionship and some treasures but nothing should replace God.
Friend, focus your mind, heart and spirit on OUR FATHER, pray that HIS will be done and submit to it completely and all things will be added....
Praise the Lord!
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