"These are only glimpses of what he does. We only hear a whisper of him! Who can understand the thunder of his power?" Job 26:14
God is the great (only) source and Originator of all power. The power of God is His ability to bring to pass whatsoever He pleases, whatsoever His wisdom may direct, and whatsoever the purity of His will may resolve. God's power is like Himself, eternal, incomprehensible and magnificent; it cannot be restrained, nor corrected. Meaning that God's power is like Himself, self-existent, self-sustained. God cannot be manipulated. We cannot force Him into doing what we want. He does whatever pleases Him, according to His timing and purpose.
The election season was quite interesting to me. It doesn't have anything to do with the pursuit of love and justice for all, my friend, who alone has the power to reconcile the world unto Himself, not counting their trespasses against them (2 Cor. 5:19)? Who alone has the power to be both just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus (Rom. 3:26)? Who alone has the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:7)? Who alone has the power to reckon an ungodly man righteous apart from works (Rom. 4:5)? And, who alone has the power to raise the dead to new life and then seat them in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 2:5-6)? We have all these spiritual blessings and more through the selfless and unfathomable power of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Do you want to see some real power? Then look upon the cross of Jesus Christ. Don't look forward in anticipation of something God is going to do. First and foremost, look back at what He has done. The testimony of the cross is the power of God. Here is where all the power you will ever need to smell, taste, touch, hear, or see can be found anytime through faith. In it, the gospel itself, there is supernatural power that is personified in Jesus Christ
Let us begin this New Year by leaning on the One who really has power. The One who demonstrated His power by dying on the cross for your sins, resurrected and ascended to heaven where He's making room for you, and soon, real soon, He will return to take you with Him, and you will experience His power, His joy and His love for all eternity. Christ is the gospel, both the subject and the substance of it and the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Rom. 1:16) and one day, all mankind will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord.
Make a point to praise God daily and be blessed.
Praise the Lord!
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