Saturday, July 25, 2015

Forgiveness #2

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6: 14-15

I think the people of God struggle with forgiveness because they do not understand how it works. It is quite simple actually. The Bible gives clear instruction on forgiveness: Forgive in order to be forgiven. My mother used to say that the only possible answer to any of the commands of God is : "yes and amen." God says to forgive then you and I should forgive. The key is to forgive quickly and often before pain sets in our hearts. Listen, people will make mistake and people tend to hurt those they claim to love the most. I can trace back my most painful moments in life to my loved ones, and they often justify their behavior with good intentions. You and I know that good or bad intentions don't even matter when the results cause pain. Still, God instructs us to forgive. I can't even begin to tell you how often I had to forgive people around me. listen, forgiveness is easy when there is true repentance. When someone hurts and ask for forgiveness it is easy for us to do so, but when they don't ask for forgiveness or else they do ask and yet continue to hurt you, what do you do? You continue to forgive because the Bible (The living Word of God) asks us to do so. We must forgive each other even when it isn't easy. My friend remember that it is not about them but it is about God.

To forgive does not mean to be in denial and act like nothing never happened. It is okay to hold people accountable for their treatments of you. It is completely okay to walk away from toxic relationships (the kind that brings nothing but grief). It is okay to take a stand against injustice but you cannot hold any grudge. It is okay to say "I love you but we will not be talking everyday anymore." It is okay to keep a safe distance.  Forgiveness does not mean that you cannot use wisdom. Be wise when it comes to your surrounding. Surround yourself with those who have positive outlook on life. Make sure you are around people who build you up and not tear you down. It is okay to clean up. Separate yourself from those who are negative and bring nothing but pain. You can continue to love them from afar. It is okay to walk away from poisonous relationships. It is not okay to hold a grudge. Remember to release your anger and pain to God. Cultivate a pure heart. Focus on the positive. Be wise!

If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,
Proverbs 25:2

Praise the Lord!

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