Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Don't Be Afraid To Change.....

Ah Lord Yahweh! Behold, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm; there is nothing too hard for you? Jeremiah 32:17

My greatest obstacles in life always resulted from resisting God’s attempt to solve my problems. Typically, I would do what non-believers do when faced with difficulties: I would first worry about it, then I would discuss it with a person I trust following by my obsession about the many ways to work it out myself and finally I would turn it over to God, but only after trying and failing until I arrive to my wit’s end. So I trusted God to help me only when I got desperate. What a fool I was! I got in a lot of trouble and experience multiple heart breaks. The wise man knows to turn to God at first sign of trouble. I always knew that God can do anything and I knew then that he wanted to help me, but I never gave him a chance. I wanted to deliver myself and give myself the glory. I have seen God moved in my life and have learned that nothing is impossible to him, but I still I constantly worried until I realized that if I was going to get my prayers answered, I would need to change tactic and attitude. I decided to put my pride aside and trusted God. I now know for certain that there is no obstacle too great, no barrier too imposing to be leveled, no wall too thick to get through. My Dear friend, there is nothing too hard for God. Got any rivers you think are too deep? Got any mountains you think are too high and can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible. He does the things others cannot do. He enjoys carrying the crosses you cannot bear. You will not be a burden, just come to Him.

Friend, you have to have faith in God. Faith is not wishful thinking or denial. Faith is based on knowledge of the written Word of God that cannot fail or return void. Living by faith is active belief and trust in God and his Word. God is its source and sustainer. The gift starts with God. It enables us to repent and accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (public/humiliating death on Calvary) as payment for our sins. This marks our point of transition/conversion. Faith then grows. It is nurtured by the Christian experience. Trust in Christ increases with experience. The more we see that God is dependable and of great mercy, the stronger our faith in him becomes and that is why it is so important to attend a Bible believing church, and be among people who trust God. It is okay to leave a church you attended all your life and your parents were founding members if it’s not helping you faith-walk. You know if you not growing as a Christian. You would know in your heart if you need a new assembly. Your spiritual growth has a lot to do with your environment. You need to surround yourself with Bible believing people. Loyalty is a great thing and I am a big fan, but I am a die-hard/radical fan of God and I am proud to be God follower. It is time to stop being man-follower. It is okay to change. Don’t let a sense of misguided loyalty keeps you from being the kind of Christian God call you to be and the kind of believer you ought to be. Let God lead you in ending all improper relationships, stop following those who will leave you behind and embrace God’s truth. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). All power is His. He is the living God. There is no limit to what God can do for you if you trust him. Nothing is impossible to The Almighty God. Don't be afraid of change. Stop doing the same all things without results. Let go and let God.

Praise the Lord!

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