Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Support Each Other

Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:13


The above scripture says that when we all come together in the unity of the faith, we'll have "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." In other words, when the Body of Christ comes together and begins to act as one, we'll have the Holy Spirit without measure just like Jesus did! We'll begin to see ministries functioning in the fullness of their callings. We'll begin to see manifestations of the Holy Spirit in full measure. We'll see Jesus in fullness as we've never seen Him before. We will be able to do the things Jesus did when He lives among us as a man. Praise God!

Organizations of today are using teams because they understand the power of coming together. Schools are using teams as well. They know the benefits of coming together for a common goal. Together we can reach heights that would be almost impossible alone. Let's help each other. Let's pray for our neighbors and friends. Step into that oneness today. Start today by making a daily effort to make yourself available to God to pray for others. Make yourself available to someone who needs you. Once we truly join together in faith, we will overcome the world and no evil force in the world will be able to overcome us. We'll march right over them in the fullness of the power of Christ Jesus and bring this generation to a glorious close. How exciting it will be! Praise the Lord.

Some of us have focused on ourselves since birth; it's always been all about us. Take a step of faith today and reach out to someone else and you will experience fulfillment you never thought possible.

Pray for someone at your church who's been battling an illness. Be an intercessor. The person does not even have to know. Diabetes, Cancer and High Blood pressure are ravaging our community, declare war against them by praying and exercise with someone. Implement a fitness program. Do not wait until a family member is affected. Together we can make a difference. There is power in agreement in the body of Christ. Start using your power and you will prosper, your church will prosper, and your neighborhood will prosper. Sickness, diseases and poverty would have to go away glory to God!

Help each other and watch the world change!

Be strong, be fortified and be determined, go win the world for Christ!

Praise the Lord!

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